Defense of Labor - International Site

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What is
"Defense of Labor"?
A short introduction of the history, composition, membership, organization and methods of the Multiregional Alliance of Workers' Unions "Defense of Labor", for the English-speaking reader. Details.
No to the Labor Code of Slavery Statement by "Defense of Labor" Co-Chair and Duma Member Oleg Shein on opposition to the government's attack on the Labor law. Details.

Conference June 2000 A report of the 7 June 2000 conference of Workers' Organizations in Geneva, attended by "Defense of Labor" representative Svetlana Baiborodova. A summary of her report to the conference. Details
Zashchita Wins Court Case Zashchita (Defense of Labor) wins an important case in Astrakhan Regional Court. Details.
Conference Resolution Full text of the Resolution on the Labor Code, unanimously accepted by the Conference of Free Trade Unions, held 3-4 March, 2001.
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